Benefits of Drinking Enough Water for Your Diet

Do you think you have enough water to keep yourself hydrated? Did you know that the average person should drink 3 litres of water a day? Many people in the UK do not consume enough water daily. Not drinking enough water could cause dehydration. As the human body is around 60% water, it is essential to keep a healthy body hydrated. This is a guide about how water is important to your diet.

Benefits of water in your diet


Drinking water before and after a meal can help us break down the food we eat. This helps the digestion of food to be easy and prevents digestion issues. Having enough water in the body can help bowel movements, soften stools and keep you from feeling constipated. Insufficient hydration will slow the digestive process leading to potentially more serious problems.

Lose Weight

clear drinking glass with water

This is one of the biggest reasons why water is important. According to research drinking more water while dieting and exercising can help with weight loss. Studies show that drinking water before your meal will make you feel fuller and eat less. It may help you decrease your appetite, boost your metabolism, burn excess fat and make exercise more efficient. Keeping hydrated massively helps lose weight keeping the body happy and healthy.

Fight illness

Water aids in the delivery of oxygen to body cells, resulting in correctly functioning systems. It also aids in the removal of toxins from the body, so drinking more of it may help prevent toxins from accumulating and negatively impacting your immune system. Water is also vital to keep your organs functioning correctly and it’s also an important aspect of keeping your immune system in peak condition.

Helps the body function properly

Water can maintain your blood pressure levels, and healthy blood consistency and keep blood pressure numbers within the recommended ranges.

Did you know our brains are around 75% water? A sufficient amount of water can help the brain function properly. When you are hydrated the brain would supply do a better job at supplying fresh oxygen and blood while staying alert.

Did you know water acts as a lubricant for muscles and joints? It helps joints and muscles to work properly. Having an adequate amount of water keeps muscles functioning well. About 70% of our muscles are made up of water.

Kidneys need an adequate amount of water to work well and remove waste from the body. Well-hydrated person’s kidneys filter 180 litres of water daily. Also, water helps keep your blood vessels open so that blood can travel freely to your kidneys, and deliver essential nutrients to them.

What happens if you don’t drink enough water

If you don’t drink enough water each day, you risk becoming dehydrated. You should aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.  Mild dehydration can make you feel tired and can impair normal bodily functions. It could be fatal if you have severe dehydration, it could lead to kidney damage. If you don’t stay hydrated you could have these possible effects on your body:

  • Risk of stroke
  • Change of mood
  • Slow metabolism
  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue

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