5 Exercises to Get You Started at the Gym

With the New Year approaching, many people will have the resolution to start exercising at the gym. Doing this is a good way to help promote an overall healthy lifestyle, but there can be many obstacles to overcome when beginning. A large proportion of people won’t go to the gym because they’re uncertain of exactly what to do there; what is the most effective way to work out? To help get you motivated at the start of a healthy life, here are some workouts for beginners.


Cardio is a good exercise for beginners that anyone can do in or out of the gym. 10% of the population jog, as it is a great way to get your blood pumping. In addition to just jogging or running, if you have access to an elliptical machine or cycling machine, they can also be excellent cardio. Not only is cardio the best way to burn fat and calories, but it also helps to improve heart function.

Chest Press Machine

person in gray shirt holding black dumbbell

The chest press is an excellent workout that focuses on your chest. While the chest press can be done using a barbell, it can be very difficult to start off with this (especially if you don’t have a gym buddy with you). As such, the chest press machine is an excellent chest workout to fit into your workout plan. Using the machine is easy to get started with and helps with improving your form when starting out.


Squats are a great exercise for beginners, mainly because they help to promote good form for further workouts. These help to target your legs and glutes, improve mobility in your lower body and joints, and help to burn calories.

Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are a very simple and effective exercise for your arms. They’re a perfect exercise for beginners, as you can freely adjust the weight of the dumbbell that you use. In addition to this, they’re a free weight exercise which is a very efficient way to build muscle; getting used to using free weights early is good for planning future workout plans.


Planks are a good workout for strengthening your abdominal muscles. Planks are good as you can do them whenever and wherever allowing for flexibility in your schedule and workout plan when fitting them in.

A good workout plan is constantly changing and involves increasing reps or the number of sets. Of course, these workouts might not be for you in the long run but are certainly a good place to get started. Workouts for beginners can feel very tiring at first, so it’s good practice to encourage muscle repair after exercising. Protein powder is perfect for doing this. Mixing protein powder with a drink and having it immediately after your workout can help with muscle repair and helps to alleviate the fatigue you feel the day after exercising. Most important of all is to keep at it!

Exercise for beginners can be very fickle, but persistence is key. If you’re looking for good protein powder, we here at VitaProHealth offer a high-quality powder that is perfect for your post-workout shake. Or, if you’re looking for more workout plan advice, other workouts for beginners or ways to live a healthy life, check out more of our blogs!